Well the SEC has been busy. You can find their press release here. BitConnect an online crypto lending platform.

You can run, but you can't hide was a common saying among some units of law enforcement. They did not enjoy the long and arduous chase, but the results of bringing a thief and liar to justice is......well; SWEET!
I digress, but a military unit was fond of the same saying, and modified it slightly. "You can run, but you'll only die tired." So, either way it seems as karma would rule the day.
If that were true, then why do so many politicians endure and even prosper with wealth and prestige? I have to. belive there is some measure of justice in the world, even if it's a guilty concience that your must carry your whole life.
Well, the guy in the story above have been identified and 2 have pled guilty. Let's see if the principals will now have any ammends to make.