A new study released by the NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) says there are multiple paths to reach the goal of 100% Renewable Energy by 2035. But...
This timeline is prefaced by future technology and future funding sources. A quote from the report says:
"Overall, NREL finds multiple pathways to 100% clean electricity by 2035 that would produce significant benefits, but the exact technology mix and costs will be determined by research and development (R&D), manufacturing, and infrastructure investment decisions over the next decade."
So, during the next 10 years we must develop and launch a new nationwide energy system that will be powered by as yet unknown technology. To be honest, I believe that is a stretch. If in 8 years we have not perfected the new technology , can we still meet this 2035 goal? If not, will we have to stop using carbon based fuels for our livelihood (food, transportation, supply chain logistics, electricity, emergency services)
The study, was done in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy and with funding support from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, other wise known as taxpayer money. The source of this new funding is a bit fuzzy. Of course, all the money in the United States comes from the taxpayer. Unless you are a recipient of the inflation funded "landmark Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the recent trillion+ dollar Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill". The bill, ironically, has very little to do with Infrastructure and even less with Bipartisanship.
In recent months, and even years, our federal government has developed a transparency problem. Much of what they accomplish is done in secret and by appointed departments, vs law makers making laws. This alone has done so much damage to the credibility of various government agencies and of course, when has anyone of my age trusted politicians.
So, now a government agency says in effect " I'm from the government and I here to help". I would laugh if it were not so painful. Oh, did I mention that all this is prefaced by the notion that "the benefits out weigh the cost." If you don't believe me, ask me. If you can't afford to buy gas, just buy an electric vehicle as per government logic dictates.
Now, don't you feel more comfortable and assured that this study has been produced by your money and it is for your benefit. And, I did not see in this report what constituted 100% clean energy. How much carbon is released in the manufacture of Wind and Solar devices and storage batteries?
I do think we should develop alternative energy sources, but the government should stay home and tend to making laws and collecting taxes. Let the private sector do what they do best and produce a product that works and is affordable. The private sector is motivated to produce a product that you can afford. That my friends is a plan that I can get behind and I believe would work.

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