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Aug 5, 20223 min read
I'm from the Govt, and I'm here to Help.
The governments do not want a financial infrastructure to be Decentralized. That is foreign to anything conceivable by govt. controllers.

May 3, 20224 min read
Sorry Charlie!
Your request to travel to see your dying mother has been denied. Also, your request to buy a new car has been denied. Next week, your...

Apr 2, 20225 min read
Lessons on how to destroy a nation. $$$
“I’m from the Government , and I’m here to Help You” Ukraine vs Russia looks like the people vs the government. Do you question the...

Feb 10, 20227 min read
For Silver, I give you Gold
Lets Talk Money. Past-Present-Future If you have wondered how we got from trading sea shells and then transparent rocks to glass trinkets...

Jan 23, 20224 min read
Crypto? Why? Why would I want to mess with that stuff?
And what is this blockchain stuff people keep talking about? It sounds too complicated and might be a scam. Why would you want to spend...

Nov 24, 20213 min read
Economic Dominance
For more than 3 generations, America has enjoyed economic dominance due to the World Reserve Currency being the US Dollar. The dollar is...

Oct 31, 20212 min read
Communism is something most intelligent people run from
But, President Biden’s new nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova seems to embrace the concepts that have been proven...

Oct 21, 20211 min read
Congress is determined to doom Crypto
A short article by FEE has a explanation as to why the $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill is determined to capture all possible means of...

Oct 6, 20213 min read
Your Trip into Crypto Land 2.0
I started this mini-series to give you a look into this strange new concept. It's so foreign to so many and there is so much fake...

Sep 12, 20213 min read
Crypto will NOT Succeed
Until the real customers are satisfied and at ease with this new digital currency . Until then; crypto will be a pain in the ass and only...

Aug 24, 20211 min read
Finally, someone has shown a hint of common sense and proof that they can read.
My thoughts on the SEC and the CFTC in recent weeks has been almost despair. I see beaurcrats reaching for power and authority they never...

Aug 19, 20211 min read
"The Facts we Know about Crypto are Simply Wrong"
An expert witness testifies to the Committee on National Security , International Development, and Monetary Policy. Titled "Promises and...

Aug 15, 20215 min read
FUD and what's it to Me
Somethings do not change, and yet they are ever changing. Let's look at FUD in some areas you may have missed. Fear, uncertainty and...

Aug 2, 20212 min read
Need Some more Alphabet Soup?
The government agencies that will have their say before or after the new laws are put in place are listed below. Really...... There are...

Jul 23, 20212 min read
Performance Counts even more when it's YOUR portfolio.
If you think your portfolio is outperforming the trillions of dollars taken out of our economy, then you may want to look into the...

Jul 21, 20213 min read
US Federal Reserve doesn't know what to think about Stable Coins
Where is this path leading us? It's really not clear to the Fed how they can contain and control this Crypto Thing. To keep this short, I...

Jul 15, 20214 min read
Crypto Currency is not needed as the US dollar Provides
U.S. Federal Reserve has plenty to say about the cryptocurrency disruption of U.S. economy stability. CBDC opinion from Jerome Powell.

Jul 14, 20213 min read
The US dollar and the IMF
How long will the US Dollar continue to reign as King Koin. Along with constant pressure from the EU, Russia, and China; we now have the...

Jul 12, 20211 min read
The Best Article yet on the "dangers of Crypto"
I have followed "FEE" for a while as I make my journey to economic independence. This group has a viewpoint of "laissez faire". I agree...

Jul 10, 20211 min read
DeFi is "Out of Control"
Decentralized Finance is "OUT OF CONTROL" , says the Japanese regulators who are losing control of the economy. DeFi's entire purpose is...
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