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Jun 17, 20233 min read
Blockchain and Real World Solutions for the Energy Industry
I recently had an interview with William Fox, Chief Product Officer ofData Gumbo, a Houston-based technology company that has developed...
Nov 28, 20224 min read
How hard does your Solar PV system work for you?
Solar Renewable Energy Credits for You and Me and Anyone who wants to participate. Meet MIRA and the Mirasol Network.
Sep 25, 20222 min read
The Merge from our perspective
ETH Merge to proof-of-stake consensus comes at an over $400 million cost to the market cap.
Sep 1, 20223 min read
Security for your Mining Operation
All business models include risk and reward calculations in order to best forecast earnings. To further mitigate the risk, use best...
Aug 30, 20223 min read
100% clean energy in 13 years
Clean energy by 2035 sounds too hard for law makers while the private sector continues to try and produce products at low cost
Apr 16, 20224 min read
Thank you, Joe Biden
I personally want to thank Joe Biden and his ilk, and the previous administrations that have been so free with spending YOUR money, that...
Apr 11, 20225 min read
Searching for Nonce
If this title is a bit confusing, might I suggest you first read about mining bitcoin and how the missing piece of the puzzle (called...
Feb 4, 20224 min read
BTC uses HOW MUCH energy?
As crypto currency critics moan and groan about the energy used by mining BTC (Byte-coin) , they fail to understand the mechanism and the...
Jan 25, 20223 min read
Biconomy quicklook/ charts and key levels
BICOverview Biconomy is a scalable relayer infrastructure aimed at improving the web 3.0 experience for all its users. The Biconomy team...
Jan 3, 20224 min read
How much energy does it take to change a light bulb?
I know everyone has heard the jokes such as "How many physcologists does it take to change a light bulb?" One. But only if the bulb...
Oct 9, 20213 min read
Texas Blockchain Summit 2021
This event has ended. A day and a half of advertisers, speakers, and attendees. From 3 U.S. Senators to multiple state representatives, a...
Aug 17, 20213 min read
How much does money cost?
I only ask, because it seems as if different types of money have different costs. Lets look a the US dollar (USD). Over 80% of the USD ...
Jul 22, 20211 min read
Inconvenient Truths about your computers battery back up
Storing the energy equivalent of one barrel of oil, which weighs 300 pounds, requires 20,000 pounds of Tesla batteries ($200,000 worth)....
Jul 13, 20212 min read
A new and expanding industry that will be more than disruptive.
Ground and Water pollution above anything you can imagine, and the costs to clean this up. This will kickstart a new industry that will...
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